Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hollywood Celebrity Tiffani AmberThiessen Latest News Here

The Share Your Heart Ball raises money for Camp Rainbow Gold, which started more than 25 years ago as a weeklong camp for children diagnosed with cancer. Today, Camp Rainbow Gold holds several oncology camps, which are held at Cathedral Pines north of Ketchum in August.

The ninth annual Share Your Heart Ball, on Saturday, Feb. 26, in the Sun Valley Inn Limelight Room, will help enhance the lives of Idaho children diagnosed with cancer.

Kris Cronin and her husband, Rob, are the Share Your Heart Ball co-chairs, as well as Camp Rainbow Gold volunteers. Cronin has set high standards to present an evening with an elegant dinner, silent and live auctions and dancing to the popular band Grooveline.

In addition, actress Tiffani Amber Thiessen, a two-time Camp Rainbow Gold volunteer, will be in attendance.

"Not one person has brought up the economy when we asked them for donations," Cronin said. "It feels positive."

The theme for this year's event is royalty, with Camp Rainbow Gold campers Jayden as king and Morgan as queen, but attendees don't need to worry about a royal dress code.

Hollywood Celebrity Yamila Diaz Leatest Photo Here

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Sophie Marceau Leatest News Here

Arrivera in Italia il prossimo 11 marzo Carissima Me (L’age de raison), commedia francese diretta da Yann Samuell in cui vedremo la bella Sophie Marceau nei panni di Margaret, una donna in carriera dal pugno di ferro,

che il giorno del suo quarantesimo compleanno riceve delle lettere che lei stessa aveva scritto, indirizzandole a se stessa,

quando aveva sette anni e stava vivendo “l’eta della ragione”. Rileggendo quelle lettere, Margaret rievoca ricordi ormai sepolti nella memoria, situazioni  dimenticate e ingenue ambizioni e scopre di essere diventata esattamente l’opposto di cio che sognava da bambina.

A quel punto decide di rimettere in discussione tutta la sua vita. Nel cast troviamo anche  Marton Csokas, Michel Duchaussoy,

Jonathan Zaccai ed Emmanuelle Gronvold. Qui sotto potete vedere il trailer italiano, dateci un’occhiata e fateci sapere cosa ne pensate:

Shania Twain Song a Winner for Idol Contestant

It's been a while since someone has pulled out a mid-'90s Shania Twain song on American Idol, but it worked for Janelle Arthur.

 She certainly has the country chops to sing Twain, having performed with the Country Tonite group in Pigeon Forge, Tenn., since 2005. But she didn't start her audition on last week's show with country. She started with Duffy's

"Syrup & Honey," which was nice, but then judge Steven Tyler asked her, "You got something else a little up-tempo?"

 That's when she launched into a Twain's "No One Needs to Know." And that earned the 20-year-old three enthusiastic 

"yes" votes from the judges. Like her father told Ryan Seacrest outside the audition room,

"We know she's a star. We just want the world to know it."

Salma Hayek Breast Feeds an African Baby

Actress Salma Hayek opened up a whole new kind of breast-feeding debate in 2009 when a video of her nursing a hungry baby boy in Sierra Leone surfaced on YouTube. Hayek told ABC's Nightline that she fed the newborn in an effort to promote breast feeding in a region that has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the world,

 mainly due to malnutrition. And while HIV transmission via breast feeding is a concern throughout Africa, and international health guidelines advise HIV-positive mothers to avoid breast feeding when an alternative source of nourishment is

"acceptable, feasible, affordable, sustainable and safe," those conditions aren't often met in places like Sierra Leone where starvation is an immediate threat.

Hayek won praise for her mission, and the video prompted a wave of discussion over whether Western countries should be donating breast milk to nations in need instead of, or in addition to, infant formula.

There are several nonprofits that allow women to contribute milk, which is then screened for HIV and other diseases. But when it comes to getting milk to countries in crisis,

 like Haiti, there can be logistical barriers from lack of refrigeration to problems in transporting the milk safely.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sarah Ferguson Reacts To Royal Wedding Snub

SARAH FERGUSON has reacted to being snubbed from this year's ROYAL WEDDING invitation list by insisting she never expected an invite.

SARAH FERGUSON, the 51-year-old Duchess of York, has not been invited to the ROYAL WEDDING of PRINCE WILLIAM and KATE MIDDLETON in April, reports People Magazine. Ferguson, who was recently caught on film attempting to sell access to her ex-husband PRINCE ANDREW,

 is a notable absentee on the guest-list for the year's biggest wedding. She joins President BARACK OBAMA and the First Lady MICHELLE OBAMA who have also been snubbed but Ferguson's spokesman said, "She never expected to be invited". Strangely, the 51-year-old's daughters PRINCESS BEATRICE and PRINCESS EUGENIE have been invited to the ceremony, as have a number of high-profile celebrities such as DAVID BECKHAM and his wife VICTORIA BECKHAM.

It was reported earlier today (23rd February 2011) that the socialite JEMIMA KHAN has been left off the invitation list because of her comments about KATE MIDDLETON's figure. The 37-year-old made a comment on her Twitter page that read,

"Middleton - those are not heir-bearing hips, are they? Unfeasibly narrow" and a source told the UK's Daily Mirror, "Apparently Jemima is friendly with the princes and would otherwise have confidently expected an invitation".

The Royal Wedding is set to take place on 29th April 2011 at London's historic Westminster Abbey. Late last year, Prime Minister DAVID CAMERON confirmed that the day would be a national holiday.

Jessica Hahn compares herself to Barbara Walters

Don't try to turn the tables on Barbara Walters. That's what Jessica Hahn learned on The View.

The show is doing a week of "Where Are They Now?" episodes featuring guests who had 15 minutes of fame years ago. Tuesday's segment featured Jessica Hahn, known for her sexual encounters with televangelist Jim Bakker in the 1980s.

But Hahn didn't like it when co-host Sherri Shepherd referred to Hahn's relationship as "an affair" and compared it to Walter's relationship with Sen. Edward Brooke in the 1970s.

"This wasn't an affair," said Hahn. "Unlike, I don't want to be cruel or anything, in your book Audition you had an affair with a senator," she said to Barbara.

Walters was quick to respond. "This is about you, my dear. This is not about me. OK?" she said, to applause from the crowd. "I'm very happy talk about my relationships, but this is about you."

While the Web buzz today is characterizing the exchange as a "smack down," the View maven seemed to be laughing it off.

Barbara Berlusconi pode ser a nova namorada de Pato

Depois de uma separacao conturbada com Sthefany Brito e um rapido relacionamento com a miss Brasil Debora Lyra, ao que parece, o coracao de Alexandre Pato ja tem nova dona. E não é brasileira. Toda a imprensa italiana afirma que o jogador brasileiro esta namorando Barbara Berlusconi, filha do primeiro-ministro Silvio Berlusconi.

Veja mais fotos de Barbara Berlusconi

E nao e tao difícil imaginar isso, ja que Pato joga no Milan, time de futebol que pertence a familia Berlusconi ha 25 anos.

Barbara e a filha mais velha de Silvio, tem 26 anos, dois filhos - Edoardo e Alessandro -, de seu relacionamento com o banqueiro Giorgio Valaguzza, de quem acaba de se separar. E formada em filosofia, trabalhou nas empresas do pai, mas atualmente se dedica aos filhos.

Sobre os escandalos envolvendo o seu pai, mantem uma postura neutra, tentando separar a vida politica da pessoal. "Muitas vezes, sinto que não estou sintonizada com algumas ideias e acoes políticas de Silvio Berlusconi,

mas isso nao me faz uma filha ruim e não amo menos meu pai por causa disso", afirmou a revista Vanity Fair. Ela revelou ainda que Silvio foi um pai ausente, mas é um avo eximio, e que era a sua mae quem ditava as regras da casa.

Sera que e esta a nova dona do coracao de Pato?

Hollywood Celebrity Aida Yespica Leatest News Here

Modelul venezuelean Aida Yespica (28 de ani), o devoratoare de fotbalisti în Italia, s-a desparţit recent de fundasul Matteo Ferrari (31 de ani, Besiktaş Istanbul), cu care un copil Aron (2 ani).

”Sunt singura şi fericita”, declara manechinul de origine sud-americana.

Numai ca paparazzi revistei People, ediţia de Italia, au surprins-o pe Aida, la un restaurant din Milano, in compania mijlocaşului german de origine turcă Mesut Ozil (22 de ani, Real Madrid). ”Se naşte o relaţie sau e un flirt nevinovat?”, se întreba presa peninsulara, însa ”People” susţine ca are raspunsul. I-au fotografiat pe cei doi de mai multe ori împreuna ai nu au publicat nimic pana nu au avut certitudinea ca cei doi sunt împreuna.

In urma cu cinci ani, fotomodelul Aida Yespica 1i luase minţile lui Adrian Mutu, atacantul, pe atunci la Juventus, fiind surprins de paparazzi furisandu-se in casa acesteia când iubitul ei din acea perioada nu era acasa!

Conform presei italiene, premierul italian Silvio Berlusconi a curtat-o intens pe sud-americanca şi chiar a iesit la întâlniri romantice secrete cu ea. În 2007, sotia politicianului l-a facut pe Silvio sa-si ceara scuze public, dupa ce la un dineu îi spusese acesteia ”Cu tine as merge oriunde, Aida!”.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Jennifer Beals Turns Down Dancing with the Stars

She was a maniac on the floor in the movie Flashdance, but don't hold your breath for actress Jennifer Beals to waltz in the footsteps of fellow '80s dance film icon Jennifer Grey and compete on Dancing With the Stars.

"I am not a dancer," says Beals, 47, who currently stars in the Fox drama The Chicago Code. "They asked me and I said 'no.' You could back up a truck to my door filled with cash and I wouldn't do it."

Beals says a visit to the DWTS ballroom a few years ago to support actress pal Marlee Matlin confirmed to her that the show wasn't her cup of tea.

"The sound of the audience is so loud and the energy in there is so intense," Beals says. "I wanted to start crying just in feeling for her. I joked with Marlee and said, 'You don't know how lucky you are you can't hear this.'

The noise level is so intense and people's excitement level is so intense. I could never. I'm not that kind of a performer."